Pests like feral cats and insects have devastating environmental and agricultural impacts.
D4C dogs efficiently and accurately detect pest species. Our conservation dogs work in difficult terrain and detect pests even when they are in low densities.
This allows for a rapid response and pest control and can lead to eradication through effective control measures.
Detecting rare native species or an invasive weed can be challenging due to the difficulty in detecting plants, particularly when they are at low densities or in difficult terrain.
D4C dogs are trained to detect specific plant species (including fungi) due to their superior scent detection ability. This allows the dogs to locate native or invasive plant species with a success rate far greater than any team of humans.
D4C dogs cover large areas and locate a high percentage of the plant species population, enhancing the likelihood of success of eradicating a new invasive species or obtaining high quality data about a rare native species.
Dogs 4 Conservation supports a wide array of wildlife research, monitoring and conservation efforts through the rapid, accurate and efficient use of conservation detection dogs.
D4C dogs are able to detect multiple scents simultaneously within your area of interest and are an effective, efficient and highly accurate means of conducting research. D4C integrates the use of detection dogs, camera traps and other monitoring methods to design and implement an efficient and targeted monitoring program tailored to your needs.
Conservation dogs are fast and efficient at detecting wildlife (including scats and fur), and complement other non-invasive wildlife survey methods are such as camera traps, hair snag tubes and scat collection.
Our dog and handler teams are able to cover large areas without disturbing wildlife, livestock or domestic animals and without luring animals or changing their behaviour, which can influence study results.
Conservation dogs work well in difficult terrain detecting nocturnal, cryptic, wide ranging or rare species.
D4C maximizes the efficiency of searches, ensures data collected is of the highest quality and minimizes stress on the target species by locating the scat whilst maintaining a high level of scientific integrity.
D4C focuses primarily on undertaking surveys with conservation dogs, however other monitoring tools can be used to complement the canine detection work.
If you can't use your eyes, follow their nose.
If you are interested in partnering with Dogs 4 Conservation for your next research or monitoring project or if you have a long term project and are considering purchasing a trained conservation dog for your organisation please contact us at
Alone we can do so little Together we can do so much.
Helen Keller
This website is designed by Jacqui Richards and all content is subject to copyright.
Dogs 4 Conservation I Innisfail, Australia | Ph: 0457 577 955 I email: